Thursday, August 9, 2012

In Search

"Understanding will never bring you Peace.
 That's why I have instructed you to trust in Me, 
not in your understanding." 
(Jesus Calling)

Always desiring to have understanding and a sense of "control" over whatever situation I am in - I sometimes (often?) look for it in the wrong places. Trying to figure things out in my own mind, striving to bring some type of closure in my understanding. And often, the result of my own efforts brings more turmoil - unrest, instead of the peace I am looking for.

But when we come to Our Maker first of all, asking for His help and insight - instead of trying to figure things out on our own - we find what we are looking for. He may bring someone alongside us with a listening ear, and as we spill out our questions and our need, we will gain understanding, and peace. Such was the case earlier this week, as my very patient husband listened to me ramble on and one about a confusing situation, and his listening and insight resulted in new direction. Peace. An answer to my questions that I was asking God for help in.

And even when we have no one nearby to lend a listening ear and to offer insight, we discover that we always have our very own personal counselor nearby, closer than any other. Dwelling within. Always ready to give insight and wisdom. For in ceasing our struggles and our own efforts to understand a situation or a need, and simply asking for His help, and quieting ourselves long enough to hear His answer ... He gives us understanding. 

I am continually learning to bring my needs to Him first, and to trust Him for the answers.

"Now may the Lord of peace Himself 
give you His peace 
at all times and in every situation ..." 
(II Thess. 3:16a)

Thanking Him for His direction as I came to Him yesterday with a need, talking only with Him. And receiving understanding, and peace.

Linking up with:
WIP Wednesday
Thought Provoking Thursday
Playdates with God
Soli Deo Gloria


  1. I have to constantly remind myself that the Lord should be the first person I consult in times of trouble. So often I run to a friend, my mom, or another blog to commiserate and make me feel better.

    Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!

  2. Prayer should never be our last resort but our first! However, I very easily forget it and find myself holding my breath in fear and anxiety...gently He reminds me that He IS always near and slowly I begin to breathe again. Thank you for your thoughts and pictures. I love them!

  3. Receiving understanding and peace... love that ending, Cherry. God is so good.

    What a beautiful post. and perfect timing for me as you can imagine. Thank you so much!

    I've missed my visits here...hugs to you!

  4. I've been there too. Always wanting to grasp the situation tightly and try to make it work the way I think it should. Yet, I know trusting Him is so much better. And I know that my understanding is so simple and so limited that why would I want to trust in it?! So glad that God keeps teaching me!

  5. It's good to share with someone and I am glad your husband is understanding in that thought. Take care

  6. I think that you highlight such a great point -- going to the Father first (or only, sometimes) with our needs, processing our needs with Him and waiting to see how He answers.

    So glad to see you back at SDG, Cherry!
