Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Great Joy

The Cross was a prelude for the Resurrection. There would be no Resurrection without the Cross. The pain came before the joy. Death came before Life. 

And in this cross, this death, this pain ... a way is opened to us for Joy, and for Life.

Sometimes my finite mind and heart focus on the pain, and the trials of the broken, messed-up world we live in. But all because of Jesus and the pain He went through ... we can look beyond, to the Life He came to give. Life and Joy even amidst our trials.

"Dear brothers and sisters, 
when troubles come your way, 
consider it an opportunity for great joy
For you know that when your faith is tested, 
your endurance has a chance to grow." 
(James 1:2-3)

Thank You, Lord. Thank You for the Joy, Love, and Peace You give to us in the midst of difficult times. All because of You, and all because of what You endured for us before the Resurrection came on that first Easter morning. And our earthly trials are also our way to Joy and Life, for they cause us to run to You, the source of all that we long for.

Linked to Walk with Him Wednesdays, sharing thoughts on The Practice of Living Easter: Practicing the Resurrection.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sister! that's all i can say...praise Him that he did endure it all 'for the joy set before'...wondrous mystery:-) thanks for the ever reminders of Him here!
