Friday, December 24, 2021

The Greatest Gift of Christmas


Pausing midday on Christmas Eve, 
on a day filled with a page-long list -
things to do, to prepare, for
our precious family coming to 
spend Family Christmas with us.

The prep is important, and I love it,
and it is needed to welcome the
23 family members joining us next week;
preparation of food, gifts, lodging.
All a joy, and a delight.

And of "first importance"
is preparation of the heart,
taking moments to ponder ...

It comes each and every year,
the Eve of Christmas Day,
and we are filled with wonder.
This year, again, and in deeper ways,
I can hardly even contain the awe
and the miracle of that first Christmas.

"See, the virgin will become pregnant
and give birth to a Son,
and they will name Him Immanuel,
which is translated
'God is with us'".
(Matthew 1:23)

"God with us,
the true gift of Christmas".
(From Gracelaced Advent cards)

"Can you imagine, God,
whose glory filled the temple,
now lay His head in Mary's arms?
Mary held God incarnate,
God had chosen to come 
into the world, free of 
temple walls and barriers, 
to dwell with man."
(From Daily Grace Advent readings)

"The Word became flesh
and dwelt among us."
(John 1:14)

JESUS ... "God with us"
I can hardly contain
the joy and the wonder
of this most precious gift.

God with us ...
in our every days, in our moments,
closer than any other.

Joining in with many, many others all over the world, marveling at the beauty of this Christmas season; and maybe more than ever, in our troubled world, we are in awe of the priceless gift of "Immanuel: God with Us"!! Merry Christmas!

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