Friday, July 5, 2019

Our Summer Veggie Garden

A veggie garden changes everyday; you can almost watch the growth happen. And also, it happens so very quietly ... a spring garden turns so silently and so quickly into a summer garden. 

The first two photos (above) were taken on July 1st. My hubby and I just love our garden ... isn't it beautiful? This is our seventh year to be planting in this 10x30 foot spot on the west side of our house, up a bit on a little hill. It makes for a perfect view from our living room windows. 

It has grown quickly! Click here for a photo taken of the same spot just a bit over a month ago, on May 30th. And click here for another photo taken on June 20th, about two weeks ago. So amazing to see the growth!

What we thought were bush beans (labeled as such on the seed package) turned out to be pole beans. We purchased a little trellis fence for the beans to vine up on. The photo above was taken one week ago, on June 27th. The beans are in the foreground in the photo. We also are trying to contain the cucumber plants a bit with another little trellis fence (behind the beans). The cucumbers always really get carried away and try to take over the whole garden, it seems.

The cucumber plants are in the foreground in the photo above, with the green bean plants behind. (Photo taken July 1st.)

And here's a close-up photo of the green beans plants, July 1st.

We have two tomato plants this year, as they always produce so bountifully. This year we purchased bigger tomato cages, and got them in place just in time! The plants are growing fast!

So far we've been enjoy radishes, leaf lettuce, and romaine lettuce. The photo above shows a row shared by carrots and romaine.

At the north end of our garden is a border trellis which I love! We've tried planting several different things here over the years. And it's so great to have it looking beautiful this year again, as the past few years the rabbits have nibbled off what we planted. Our small electric garden fence has taken care of that problem this year. A bit later this summer these Hyacinth Bean plants should bear delicate rose-purple flowers.

Some of these photos are already outdated, as there has been significant growth even since these photos were taken 4 days ago. It is a joy to watch our veggie garden grow. 

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