Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Life-Giving Flow

On days when I feel dry and empty, I am reminded. To look to the Vine. I cannot muster up strength, love, joy, peace, or any of the things I desire, on my own efforts. My first and primary focus, each day and throughout each day, is to look to the source.

Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches.
Those who remain in Me, and I in them,
will produce much fruit.
For apart from Me, you can do nothing."
(John 15:5)

The two belong together - the Vine, and the branches. They are to be as one - the Life-giver, and the fruit-bearing branches. 

"The life flow of the Vine is in the branches ... "
(God Calling)

"I am Love and Joy and Peace and Strength and Power and Healing and Humility and Patience and all else you see in Me your Lord ... You do not make yourselves loving and strong and patient and humble. You live with Me, and then My life accomplishes the miracle-change." (God Calling)

Thank You, loving Lord, for capturing my mind and my heart this morning; let Your love and Joy and Peace and all that You are, flow into and through this branch today.

Linking up with:
Soli Deo Gloria
Heart and Home
On Your Heart Tuesdays


  1. Yes! So true. There is no life apart from the vine. Thank you for this reminder that the vine and branches - "the two belong together".

    I am now a follower of your blog. Please feel free to visit mine if you have a moment.


  2. Despite having been in the Word lately, my heart has not been tuned in the past few weeks. This lack of conscious abiding is eating at me and I feel unsettled tonight. I am so glad I read this. It confirmed what I felt while praying with my children before their bedtime. *Abide.*

  3. How grateful I am for the Life Giver.


  4. Oh how lovely.
    I love the vine and branches section. . . It is so comforting to me!
