Thursday, September 20, 2018

On My Heart: Rest Amidst the Busy

Does the same thing happen to you when fall approaches?

Though I absolutely love fall, the change of season from summer to fall sometimes pushes an I need to get busier button in my heart. Not that I haven't had things to do in the summer, but maybe because the back-to-school season also brings a new set of responsibilities and deadlines with it. It's a busy season with Cru for us, and also maybe the glimpses of the end of the year approaching (and the holidays) can put me into a mode of hurry, wanting to get projects taken care.

But this beautiful season of fall is not made for hurry ...

And we do not operate well in hurry-mode. I don't. It brings stress and unrest. God intends for us to rest, and to refresh. Not just once during the year, but as a continual habit and routine. We are made for rest. 

Be still and know that I am God.
(Psalm 46:10a)

But how can we be still amidst the hurry? 

Sometimes it takes a concentrated effort ... to rest

Intentional effort, to rest.

We need to allow ourselves to stop from our never-ending responsibilities.

To take an hour, a few hours, even a day to just pause from our work. Not just once. But often. Making it a continual habit. Taking time, making time ... to do something that gives us joy and rest. A neglected hobby, a good book, time with a family member, a friend. 

To pause with His Word, with journal ... listening, letting truth soak down deep. Not hurrying, but purposefully slowing. Quieting our hearts, asking Him to teach us. Reading His Words ... listening closely to His Words. 

Let your roots grown down into Him,
and let your lives be built on Him.
Then your faith will grow strong
in the truth you were taught,
and you will overflow with thankfulness.
(Colossians 2:7)

Let's not let busy and hurry characterize this next season.

Let's "make rest realistic from now through the Advent season." (Shelly Miller)

"Women are heroes when it comes to loving and caring for others. But why is it so hard to give ourselves permission to rest and refresh, when we're stressed and need it most? Deep inside us, God created an inner spirit that needs nurturing." (Bonnie Gray)

Let's let the core of who we are, our deepest hearts, pause this season, letting our roots grow down deeper into His peace, His love, and who He created us to be ... His beloved.

For your encouragement, and mine,
a few blog posts by some authors on this very topic ...


(Note: I wrote these words for myself, as I have recently come off of a few weeks of feeling a bit more stress than usual ... reminding myself to pause and to rest, and, just maybe these words will be an encouragement to you, as well.)

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