Monday, December 3, 2012

The Best Way to Receive

"Thank Me throughout this day for My Presence and My Peace ... 
The best way to receive these glorious gifts is to thank Me for them. ... 
As you thank Me for My Presence and Peace, 
you appropriate My richest gifts."  
(Jesus Calling)

Some things are easy to be thankful for, and others are difficult. But always, we are to thank Him - bringing all our needs to Him. And the gifts that we receive as a result, are even more than we imagined. His Presence and His Peace - what so many in the world long for. There were both kinds of things this past week - things easy to thank for, and things difficult. And the Gifts of His Presence and His Peace were given, and received, as thanks was given. 

It was also a week of anticipation and joy as we transitioned to a new month, Christmas month! I put out much of our Christmas decor around the house the last day or two of November, and we assembled our Christmas tree on Dec. 1st! (Earlier than usual for us!) The lights had to wait a day or two, as we needed to purchase more to replace some burnt-out strings of light. And I am still slowly getting all the ornaments on the tree ... 

And in the midst of a week of transitioning from November to December, of Cru ministry, newsletter writing, of house cleaning, and meal preparing - we took time for playing with grandkids ...

And more to be thankful for on Sunday: worship with friends, stopping in at Blue Line to see a son briefly, an hour walking through Hot Shops Art Center's Holiday Open House, watching our high school's drama performance (with quite a few Cru students starring in it!), and attending a fundraiser spaghetti dinner for a family in need. A full week - much to be thankful for!

(Credits: Page Template: Digital Scrapper - ScrapItNow templates; Paper: mturnidge_makeawish)

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