Monday, February 18, 2013

Presence Focused

Sharing a few Instagram photos, keeping up with my thankful posts each Monday. It was great to take time to celebrate Valentine's Day last week with my hubby. A special day, as Valentine's Day also is always our half year anniversary! This year we celebrated 41 1/2 years! We enjoyed a special meal out together, and treated ourselves to several evenings of watching some movies over Netflix (trying it out for free for 30 days). So thankful and blessed to live life together with my sweet hubby.

And I loved reading these words on Valentine's Day morning ... the Greatest Love of all!

The rest of the week held other blessings, as well - a daughter & two grandkids joining us for supper one night while her husband was out of town, love and valentines given and received from them and our other grandkids, a good staff meeting at Scooter's with part of our team, setting up of MailChimp for our future prayer updates, going to a Cub Scout Banquet to watch a grandson receive his awards. And on Saturday, taking time to bake bread - it had been awhile, too long. 

Thankful for His gifts from the past week - and looking forward to a new week. Seeking to live in the present, and focus on His Presence ...

"I am renewing your mind ...
A renewed mind is Presence-focused ...
Seek Me in every moment, every situation ... "
(Jesus Calling)

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