Saturday, August 17, 2024

Silence: The Condition for True Listening

Maybe some may think that silence is easier to attain during our retirement years. But yet, I am continually learning in deeper ways that real silence needs to be cultivated for it to happen in the heart no matter our season of life, no matter our circumstances. And I am being reminded even now in our retirement years of the importance of cultivating a quiet heart. To make it an intentional focus to carve out not only specific times each week for Sabbath Rest, but to also cultivate a Sabbath Heart in the midst of regular life. A life and world which seems to accelerate with noise and concerns with each passing day and year.

Quieting my heart for intentional extended times, and also for moments of time throughout a day to listen deeply to God first of all, and also to our precious kids and grandkids, and to all whom God brings our way.

“Our speaking comes out of our listening. 
What we say comes out of what we hear.” 
(Mark Buchanan)

We need to be people who listen, day and night, most of all, to God, quieting our hearts so we can really hear.

Be still, and know that I am God.
(Psalm 46:10 ESV)

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