Thursday, June 14, 2012

From a Seed

It started with a seed of a thought - thinking that maybe we should have a veggie garden again this year (after a break of a number of years). But it would be small, a very small raised garden bed. But the idea grew, with input and encouragement from a son - why not make it a bit bigger than we planned? And then our thoughts grew it even larger, into a 10x30 foot area on a level area in our yard up by a row of pine trees. 

We bordered the 10x30 garden area with cedar 4x4s, to set it off from the rest of the yard. Our son came out to help as we tilled, prepared, and planted. And it is growing into something beautiful.

All a gift for us to enjoy. Taking the small seed of an idea, watering it, and watching the beauty blossom before our eyes. Reminding me to give thanks for the small and the seemingly insignificant, for you never know what will come from it.

"... gratitude for the seemingly small and insignificant -
 this is the seed that plants the giant miracle in the midst of it all." 
(From Selections from One Thousand Gifts)

Overflowing with thanks for His unending gifts to us. Little daily gifts, and gifts that surprise us and last through the season. Overwhelming us with beauty ... gifts that grow right before our eyes.

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  1. Your garden is beautiful, I keep saying each year I'm going to plant one, but always end up with excuses not to instead.
    I've been praying too, that I can find the blessing in the small things each day, so that when I do,I will be overwhelmed from the abundant blessings:)

  2. Your plants are so big already! God has definitely blessed your efforts.I'm thinking He's telling me not to worry because I don't seem to have much time to garden, umm...let's just say He hasn't blessed my efforts so much! Love & prayers, Cynthia
