Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Sabbath Heart


I've noticed a recurring theme in what has been drawing my attention recently ... maybe it's because we've had an extra full last few months? It's been a good full, but also a measure of challenging things that have filled up our lives. 

And the truth is, that even though we are retired, and have been for four years now, we need reminders to slow our pace. Even in the midst of busy days. Jesus surely exemplified an unhurried life while He was on earth. Even in the midst of knowing of His short earthly life, and in the midst of so much good that He could do. But He did not come across as being in a hurry. 

Just as Jesus regularly pulled aside for rest, and for life-giving intimate connection with His Father, we can do the same. And we are instructed to do the same. Doing so takes effort, and calls for us to stop our work in order to rest. The word Sabbath means to stop, to rest ... a day a week, and also pockets of time within a day. To nurture a Sabbath heart in the midst of our busy lives. 

My dear hubby and I are desiring to nurture a more regular rhythm of rest. Also as we grow older we need to be strengthened even more regularly in all the ways: physically, emotionally, mentally, in our connection with God. Our needs do not lessen as we grow older; they actually increase. And where do we look to be strengthened? Where do you look for strength amidst all the things of your life? We are invited to stop and listen, and to receive life.

“He’s patiently waiting for you to slow down 

so He can express His love for you.”

(From Rhythms of Rest)

Note: Link for quote in top photo, The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.

Thanks for reading my thoughts as I continually learn more regarding rest and regarding Sabbath. There will likely be more posts on this topic in the coming weeks/months.