Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Does It Really Matter? {Heart Connect}

Does it really matter if I bring my needs and concerns to God? Does He even hear, or does He even care? Of the approximately 7 billion people alive in the world at this point of time (and how many total through all of time?), how can He possibly care about the little dot on the face of the earth that is me?

We, as followers of Jesus, can say that we believe that He hears our prayers, and even knows the thoughts of our hearts. But do we live this? Do we talk with Him about all of our concerns, with a faith that He hears, and that He will answer?

I need to be reminded. Again and again. For if we lived and walked in the truth that God hears our prayers, cares about our needs, and desires to help us - we would live much differently. Prayer, real communication with God, would be a priority of our days and our moments. It would be as essential to us as breathing. Not just for a few designated, set-aside moments of our day. But it would be as breath - constantly, unending, throughout our days.

This great God, Creator of all the expanse of the sky and beyond, the Creator of us, came to our little dot of the universe called earth. And He cares for the smallest thought and need of each person on this earth. Including me.

"For thus says the One who is high and lifted up,
who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy;
'I dwell in the high and holy place,
and also with him who is of a contrite and lowly spirit,
to revive the spirit of the lowly,
and to revive the heart of the contrite.'"
(Isaiah 57:15 ESV)

"The infinite God is interested in me."
(Paul Miller, A Praying Life)

So thankful for these gentle reminders - as we start off on a new year, though we are filled with dreams and aspirations, we can feel overwhelmed with all the tasks and responsibilities before us. And I am reminded that my main focus is to walk closely, bringing all my needs to Him. Walking in His Love and His Care each day, all through the day. 

Click here for more posts on this topic:
Heart Connect: Living a Life of Prayer

Linking up with:
Thrive at Home Thursday
Faith Filled Friday


  1. Thanks ... a great reminder ... for me.


    1. Thanks, Glenda - I know we need to be reminded continually ... thankful for His gentle reminders.

  2. Cherry, I just found your page, I was reading the comments on Emily P. Freeman's blog and read yours, decided to see what you have on your blog. I love what I am seeing, I too am an empty-nester but a widow and I love the Lord with all my heart....not sure where I would be without Jesus. Anyway, I am going to enjoy looking at several of your older posts and I'm sure I will find more that we have in common. Mary

    1. I'm honored to have you come by for a visit here - and I hope your visit was an encouragement to you. You are so right - where would we be without Jesus? So thankful for His unending Love and Mercy.
