Monday, July 29, 2013

We Are to Ask {Heart Connect}

Some words that I came across last week, and I cannot get them out of my mind ...

"God isn't honored by prayers that are
within the realm of human possibility;
God is honored when we ask Him 
to do what is humanly impossible.
That way God gets all the glory!"
(Draw the Circle)

Of course, we need to remember that God is God, and we are not. And His ways are higher than ours, and different than ours. As our view is so limited by time and space. And He sees beyond this world, and even into the obscure places of our hearts where we are not even able to see. For He is our Creator. 

So we cannot control His ways, or dictate His ways. Or even know what is really best for us. But He tells us to ask. For we are His children. And He longs to give to His children. Just as we as earthly parents long to give to our children, just because we love them.

But how often do we hold back? Or even more, how often do we not even dare to ask? Not because we do not have a need (or even a desire) - but mostly, because we don't really believe that He has the power to give. 

We need to ask Him to refresh our thinking and our perspective. And then to honor Him by trusting Him for the things that He longs to do.

"Now all glory to God, who is able,
through His mighty power at work within us,
to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think."
(Ephesians 3:20)

And when we receive these gifts, above and beyond what we can even imagine - what is our response? To give our love and adoration to the gift ... or to give our love and adoration to the Giver of the Gift? 

Thank You, Lord, for reminding me to ask. For what is on my heart. For things that seem impossible. Knowing that You are able to do above and beyond what I can even imagine. And knowing that I can trust You, to only give what is for my good. And what will bring You praise.

(Photo: thanking God for memories of our 40th Anniversary Trip to Italy)

Heart Connect: Living a Life of Prayer
Click here to read previous posts on this series.

Linking up with:
Hear It on Sunday, Use It on Monday

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