Sunday, August 15, 2010

Quieting our Hearts

The little book, Jesus Calling, is becoming one of my favorites. The author, Sarah Young, teaches by her example, how to be quiet before God, and listen. And then record what He brings to our minds. Her book is a collection of words that she has recorded in her journals from her times of listening, one reading for each day of the year.

Each time I read from her book, I am encouraged and captured by the words. We often focus on one-way communication with God, talking to Him. When we slow down our lives, still our hearts, and listen as we sit in His Presence, His Spirit brings truth to us.

I have been trying to have more moments of being still before Him. Sometimes it is easy to rush through reading His Word ... but taking time to be still and letting the truths of His Word soak into my mind and heart, and then writing down the thoughts and words that He brings to me as I quietly wait, has been so powerful.

Even in the midst of our busy days, I want to learn more about quieting my heart, and listening. We recently purchased a decorative little wall hanging for our living room, with these words that encourage being still and listening.

Let us be silent
so that we may hear
the whisper of God.

As we quiet our hearts, we can hear His whisper above the noise all around us. And hearing His voice is hearing truth.

"Be still, and know that I am God!"
(Psalm 46:10a)

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