Thursday, April 11, 2019

The First Step: Just Come

The first step
is to come.

When we are worn out,
weary, and burdened -
when we are let down,
used up, and broken.

He says, “Come to Me”.
Just come; instead of tending
to our wounds, our broken places,
using all our energy to fix ourselves,
trying to fix things on our own.
He says, “Come to Me, 
all who are weary and burdened, 
and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28)

What if we did just that?
At the first thought of despair,
when we are first tempted to worry,
when our hearts are hurting -
what if we simply, just came?

A challenge, a practice to implement.
Make it our very first step - come.
The Maker of our souls, our hearts,
says to just come.

“So the Lord must wait for you
to come to Him so He can show you
His love and compassion.”
(Isaiah 30:18 NLT)

If you would like a beautiful tool to use as you come to Him, as you quiet your heart in the midst of the busyness, you might want to use this book ... Whispers and Wildflowers: 30 Days to Slow Your Pace, Savor Scripture & Draw Closer to God by Sarah Beth Marr. The author writes, "So keep coming. Come when your heart is full and peaceful. Come when your heart is anxious and tied up in knots. Come in the morning. Come in the evening. Come in the heap of laundry. Come in the messy kitchen. Come in the middle of the ballet studio. Come in the outdoors or indoors. He's waiting." I am still learning, for every day, all through each day, we have a choice. May our first step be - to come, and to listen for His whispers as we quiet our hearts before Him.

Photo: from our 2015 visit to Disney World's Epcot Theme Park in Orlando.

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