Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Desires of our Hearts

A favorite verse of mine, never losing it's meaning. Growing deeper in meaning with each passing year. Sometimes the "desires of our heart" come through trials, for trials cause us to run to Him. And there we find what we desire most of all. And all the pain of the trial becomes insignificant to the closeness with God that we experience as a result.

And other times, the "desires of our heart" come as unexpected blessings. Things so amazing that we can hardly believe they are happening. Such as our recent trip to Italy for our 40th Anniversary (where the photo above was taken). We had planned a trip to a destination much closer to home, but five weeks before our trip, God changed our plans and opened up the way for us to fly to Italy!

I love to see this favorite verse of mine set on this photo from Cinque Terre, Italy - such an amazing, unforgettable gift from God.

Thank You, Lord, for giving us the desires of our hearts - unexpected joys that You surprise us with, and most of all, for intimacy that we have with You, our Creator - often the result of walking through hard times where we find that You are all we need.

Linking up at Word-filled Wednesday


  1. What a beautiful photograph to go along with one of my favorite Scriptures...We can't image all He has planned for us and what a wonderful and loving Father to give us the desires of our heart....

  2. Beautiful verse and lovely photograph. Happy 40th! I grew up in Italy, such a beautiful country.

  3. Psalm 37 God gave to me at the Lift Conference after we returned with our Calling to move to Hungary long-term...It has continued to define this journey and I keep growing in understanding it...always thankful for you to shine a bit of your hear:}

  4. This was the life verse of one of my sweet mentors when I was in college.


  5. Beautiful and all we have to do is ask and those desires are granted. God is so good :)

  6. Very lovely, thank you. Blessings ~
