Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Possible and the Impossible

Mothering ... one of the most beautiful things we can experience in our lives. I am so blessed to be a mother of six. My heart is full, and overflowing with love for our grown children, for our sons-in-law, and now also, for nine precious grandchildren.

Our years of mothering begin with the awe and excitement that a tiny life is forming inside, and we are given the inexplainable joy of witnessing firsthand the miracle of creation, of laboring to bring life into this world and into our arms. Or, for many, our desire for mothering is held in sorrow for many years, accompanied by many tears ... and at the right time, a child is placed in our arms ... an amazing miracle, a gift from God, filling us with joy beyond measure.

And then, along the path of mothering, we also must learn how to mother. Our natural mothering instincts carry us through many days, but as we go along, we find that we are in need of more help than we even imagined with this wonderful, but all-consuming role of being a mom. Help that can only come from our Maker, the Creator of life, and Creator of our children. 

And, as God tells us, He allows us to go through difficult experiences, and trials, in order to learn things of most significance (James 1:2-4). As a result of some times of pain in this life of mothering, God has taught me (and continues to teach me) something of great, important significance ... that is, to distinguish the difference between the possible and the impossible. We must learn what is our part, and what is God's part in our mothering. 

As Ruth Bell Graham says in her book, Prodigals and Those Who Love Them ...

 "We mothers must 
take care of the possible 
and trust God for the impossible. 
We are to love, 
affirm, encourage,
 teach, listen, 
and care for the physical needs of our family. 
We cannot convict of sin, 
create hunger and thirst after God, 
or convert. 
These are miracles, 
and miracles are not in our department."

These words, and others from this insightful book written by Ruth Graham, are typed up on a sheet of paper that I have kept with my journal for over twenty years ... moving it from journal to journal, always needing to be reminded. How often do we as mothers try to do the impossible? God, who made our children, and fashioned the hearts of each person, is the only one who can do the impossible, and He can accomplish what we desire most of all, in a much better way than our own feeble efforts. I have seen Him do many of these miracles, and I continue to trust Him for more of what only He can do.

It is so easy to try to do His part, but as a mom, I must focus on my part ... and leave His part to Him. Focusing on doing the possible, my part of loving, encouraging, providing for physical needs, teaching, loving some more, creating a happy home. And also, of highest priority, I must focus on growing deeper in love with this Creator, this Miracle-Worker, talking with Him constantly, trusting Him to do the impossible. Putting my focus first of all on Him, for we are made for close connection with our Creator, and we can do nothing of lasting significance without Him. 

Mothering ... one of the greatest blessings in all of life; my heart is filled to overflowing with this privilege. Days so filled with joy we can hardly contain it all, as the joy spills out all around us, and also days where we are driven to our knees. And it is there on our knees that we need to be, and where we find what we are created for. Created to draw close to God, to experience His great love in ways that are beyond comprehension ... and, to witness Him at work, doing the impossible.

Loving Lord, Thank You for the immeasurable joy of mothering, and Thank You for how this mothering brings us closer to Your heart. It is here that we want to be, and we will praise You for Your Miracles.

Linking up to Faith Barista, sharing thoughts on mothering.


Also linking to Imperfect Prose, sharing thoughts that are broken, and redemptive.


  1. Oh how I NEEDED to read this post, so beautiful and convicting. "It is so easy to try to do His part, but as a mom, I must focus on my part ... and leave His part to Him." This is so hard!

  2. Thank you for sharing your heart. You're right: doing the impossible is so easily something we attempt but in vain. Focus on what lies before us and trust God with the rest...

  3. Oh, I love this quote: "We mothers must take care of the possible and trust God for the impossible."

    I have so many things I always need to be reminded of, too. This post helps with that. I so agree. Mothering is one of the biggest blessings I've known. And, following Him is what needs to happen first to be able to mother, as well. Thank you for this post. (Nice to meet you through the Faith Jam.)

  4. oh cherry... this made me want to cry, for all of the times i try to be what i can't be, for my child. i just need to do my best, and let go, and trust God with the rest. thank you for this.

  5. Goodness those blooms, like litte spring flower fairies in tutus...take care of the possible and trust God for the impossible. These words apply to so many parts of my life. Simple and powerful. There are a lot of wise mothers on Imprefect Prose this week and they all seem to be writing this same message in their own unique ways. Thank you for sharing your straightforward and hard won wisdom.

  6. Thank you for sharing this, Mom. I enjoyed reading it...what a good quote you have in your journal. I will have to write that down too. And what a great reminder of how we need to be seeking God's direction and help. Love you!

  7. this is good stuff, mom. thank you for sharing it. i love you!!! -amy

  8. Oh, Cherry. Your words moved me and made me cry.I didn't have a mother who was there for me, and at times, I fear what if I'm inadequate because I'm missing a role model? And God has been trying to get through to me, what you are putting into words. God Himself is my mentor, He brought these beautiful lives and made me their mother, and He will do what I can't. Thank you for this precious pearls of wisdom in the quote and your hard won wisdom.

  9. Hi Cherry,
    I found your blog as I was preparing for an upcoming post. I have enjoyed perusing many of your posts. Lovely God-honoring place you have here. So nice stopping by!

    Kindly, Lorraine
