Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Life has a way of escalating, of picking up speed. And every once in awhile we need to make a concentrated effort to slow things down, to remind ourselves of what really counts.

A restful place just miles from our house ... 

I've been feeling it lately, the need to slow something down in this daily race. It seems that the beginning of a new year brings opportunities to refocus, and to slow down. And then by the time the end of February comes, we are going full speed again. And need to refocus. 

This morning I awoke, and was reminded to bring my concerns to our loving, faithful God. Asking Him to help my focus. And right away, these words came to me ... 

"Are you tired? Worn out? 
Burned out on religion? 
Come to Me. 
Get away with Me and you'll recover your life. 
I'll show you how to take a real rest. 
Walk with Me and work with Me - 
watch how I do it. 
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. 
I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
 Keep company with Me, 
and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

Some of our favorite verses, ones that my husband and I both discovered a few years ago, and the ones that we are brought back to over and over again. I love these words. They call me to slow down, to rest in my soul and spirit. To stop focusing on my daily tasks (which is so easy for me to do), and to just enjoy walking with Jesus. Talking with Him throughout the day, about everything, big or little. And just watching and depending on Him for every concern. 

I am refreshed and refocused this morning ... all because of Jesus. And I am asking Him to keep me on this path. I know that I'll stray off of it here and there, but so thankful for His Spirit within, calling us back, and giving us rest ...

Linked to Faith Barista



  1. 'I am refreshed and refocused this morning ... all because of Jesus'...AMEN! mercies new! I am so, so thankful (i am a broken record, but hopefully we're stuck at something beautiful i'm saying) for you and that your heart is on this blog and i get to read it and you pray for me!

    p.s. love these verses in the Message! {though i love the NIV too}

  2. Now I want to go on a walk in the beautiful weather and think on these verses. So good. Thank You:)

  3. I've been trying to slow down for months. I'm not very good at it, but like you I know when I do it's only because of Jesus.
