Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Created as a Masterpiece

We don't have to look far to see beauty. The beauty of God's creation, the beauty of what man, made in His image, has created.

There is so much beauty to be thankful for during this month of Thanks Giving, and all through the year. And maybe, if you are like me, we need to be reminded that we can and should also be thankful for how He made us.

As women, it is so easy to compare, and to wish we had more of this, or less of that. If only we could be different in this area or that area, then we would be happier and have more worth. I have fallen guilty of this comparison trap more often than I care to admit. 

And I have often needed to be reminded of the Truth ...

For we are God's masterpiece.
He has created us
anew in Christ Jesus,
so we can do the good things
He planned for us long ago.
(Ephesians 2:10 NLT)

"What if we stopped listening to our hearts when our feelings don't tell us the truth and instead we chose to believe God's words more than our fear and doubts?" (Renee Swope in A Confident Heart Devotional)

I don't have to be the
strongest, wisest, or best
for God to use me.
I simply need to have a
heart sold out to Him,
willing to be used by Him.

You are His masterpiece, I am His masterpiece. Each of us created uniquely, for His great purposes and glory. And we can be thankful, and we can accept ourselves just as we are - made in His image, created as a masterpiece, to be a beautiful fragrance of His love to those around us.

Trust that God made you
just as He wanted you to be,
and then be the best YOU.
Discover and offer
the unique personality traits
God gave you
to impact those around you.

Sharing thoughts and quotes from my journal, as I continually need to be reminded of His Truth. And I am thankful ...

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